Who would be the audience for your media product? From my research for my indie/alternative magazine i came to the conclusion that my target audience would be from the age of 16-22 and mainly gender, but include female audience as well. This is because a lot of the indie/alternative scene is dominated by male artists, and that would mean a more masculine undertone for the magazine. I feel the age range is appropriate to the magazine as this would be the stage where people are starting to try new sorts of music and new styles, i also believe having a target of up to 22 would be the best as that is the age where a lot of people tend to start nailing their life down and finally leave their teenage years behind. Another important issue when choosing your target age for your audience is the fact that a lot of gigs and festivals require you to be 18, or at least 16 with an over 18 guide, this is important because a lot of my audience will be interested in seeing their bands and artist p...